Name: Lewis
Lewis is a smiley little boy currently thriving with his foster carers.
He struggled at first with his foster carers due to his withdrawal from both drugs and alcohol. However, in the last few months, he has come on leaps and bounds.
He loves exploring the outdoors and enjoys the local park and his garden. He likes messy play, painting, building blocks and playing on his slide.
Lewis needs a family that can promote his culture and ideally reflect his ethnicity. Lewis has afro-style hair and it can be oily.
Lewis presents with some uncertainty due to drug use during his pregnancy.
Lewis is one of 9 children and any potential parents would need to keep in touch with the birth family, this could be through letters or face-to-face.
Every child has a different keeping-in-touch plan, but it’s important to maintain relationships with their birth family to help them understand their identity growing up.
*This profile is based on children we are currently family-finding for. This is not a real profile as names and images have been changed to protect their identity