
10 April 2021

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The benefits of keeping siblings together

The benefits of keeping siblings together

April 10th marks #NationalSiblingDay and we wanted to recognise the importance of keeping siblings together wherever we can. According to the most recent data, out of 2,030 children waiting to be adopted in the UK, 890 are in a sibling group.

Shot of two young children lying on their backs and reading a book together

Children reading a book together


In Merseyside we currently have 85 children looking for loving and safe homes, 33 are part of a sibling group.


Keeping siblings together provides a great sense of friendship and companionship, they have someone else to grow and share the adoption experience with.


Siblings may argue and have some rivalry but they will also care for one another and it is important to learn social skills such as sharing and communication.


In adoption, we try our best to keep siblings together because we know the impact it can have on our children and families. Some siblings can settle into their new home better if they have a brother or sister to share this new experience with. Siblings will also have that shared experience of their adoption journey and this will help them understand their life story as they grow older, having shared it with someone else will provide that bond between siblings.


Sibling groups are likely to include older children, older siblings are likely to help younger siblings to understand who they are and where they’ve been, developing a strong sense of identity through their shared history.


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