Laura and Graeme wanted to grow their family after they settled into their new home. They explored the different options available, but they decided that IVF wasn’t for them and researched into adoption. The more they discussed it, the more they realised it was the right route. They knew that could offer a […]
Laura always knew she wanted to be a mum and being single didn’t stop her. Before starting the process, Laura did lots of research and using a Regional Adoption Agency (RAA) made sense to her. An RAA works closely with the children’s teams in the local authorities to place children in that region. Laura […]
Halloween can be a great time of year with dressing up in scary outfits and an endless amount of sweets. However, the reality for children who have experienced developmental trauma or have additional needs can be very different. The scary side of Halloween can cause distress and anxiety. Even the thought of […]
There’s no such thing as a ‘normal’ family, according to 66% of people in North West England – this comes as National Adoption Week (21-27 October) has launched today to increase understanding of modern adoption and show that ‘the journey to a family is not always a traditional one’. The survey by You […]
Craig and Daniel knew very early on in their relationship that they wanted to be parents. They waited to officially start the process until they had completed some home improvements. They wanted to be in the best place possible as they knew the process would need their full commitment. They attended an information […]
Nicki always wanted to be a mum. But after receiving treatment for breast cancer in 2019, she was advised not to have biological children. So, she started researching adoption. Nicki was unsure whether she could adopt as a single person. After attending a webinar and reading more information she realised being single was […]
Most adoptive families and adopted people currently have contact with birth family members through letters on an annual basis. However, research has shown that this isn’t enough. Providing children with their birth history is invaluable, as they progress along their life journey. Research from PAK-UK and The Big Consult 2023 showed that […]
Regional and Voluntary Adoption Agencies from across the North West have come together to develop the “Growing Families Together” campaign. To deliver the campaign, Adoption Now, Adoption Counts, Together for Adoption, Adoption in Merseyside, Adoption Lancashire and Blackpool, Adoption Matters, and Caritas Care are working collaboratively under the name Adoption North West to support […]
Our children need us to be there for them physically and emotionally. Sometimes we can lose presence with our child when they sense we aren’t “really there.” There could be all kinds of reasons – being ill, tired, or maybe your attention is focused on someone/something else. It might not even be for very […]
Matt and Joe had been together for 10 years and had lots of discussions about becoming parents. After doing some research, they decided to attend an adoption information session. Matt said “It was a quicker process than I expected. It was intense and tiring at times, but it felt right. The different stages […]