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Types of adoption
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Adoption explained
Steps to adoption
What is adoption?
Who can adopt?
Types of adoption
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I’m interested in adoption
Our Families
Our Adopters
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Adoption Support
Support we give you
Help for adopted adults
Help for birth relatives
Contact us
Adoption Support Audit Tool
Adoption Support Audit Tool
Name of worker
Role of worker
Name of team manager
Date original referral received
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Date subsequent referral received
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Liquid Logic Number (child)
Name of child
DOB of child
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Name of auditor
Date of audit
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Date case allocated
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Has this audit been completed in conversation with the worker?
Please give explanation
Please give explanation
Please give explanation
Part 1 - Adoption Support
Is there an up to date case summary (within 3 months)?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is there an up to date chronology?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Are case notes up to date (within 10 days)?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Has the support pathway been followed?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is there evidence that consent was given and the process for recording information followed?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is there a written agreement and evidence complaints procedure information has been given?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Has a Part 5 been provided for adopters views on situation?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is there an assessment, if one was required?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is there a plan?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Has a review taken place?
Is there a closing summary?
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Was there any delay in allocating to a practitioner?
Date of referral vs time allocated? Was it outside of the expected timescales? If so why? Was there management oversight/decision making for the delay? Were the child/family informed that the referral had been received but not allocated?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is there a clear record of the initial contact/home visit take place?
What was the outcome for the referral? Is there clear recording of the initial visit?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Did the assessment of need reflect the needs outlined in the initial referral?
Is the evidence for this clear within the assessment of need and case recordings? If different is there an understanding of why this is different? Was the referrer (if professional) informed of this? Have the family received a copy of the assessment? Has their agreement to the assessment been recorded on file?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Was a safeguarding concern raised as a result of the initial assessment visit/ongoing involvement?
Was this discussed with a manager immediately? If not evidence as to why not? Was safeguarding procedures followed? Was there management consultation around this? Was it escalated?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Was Adoption Support offered?
Was there a clear intervention for Adoption Support? Was the support outcome focused and a clear timescale for this?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
What support was offered?
Was this in line with the Adoption Support offer? Did the family have a copy of their original support plan? Was there management oversight on decision making for support offered?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Was the child seen as part of the assessment?
If not, give an explanation as to why not.
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is the child’s voice heard within the assessment?
What is the child’s or children’s lived experience or views? What is it like for the child to be in this situation or live in this household?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Are there clear outcomes recorded on plans and adoption support reviews?
Were there changes to the outcomes during the intervention? Is there clear recording of the reasons for this? Are they SMART?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Have the outcomes been met? Is there evidence of positive impact for the family?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Was there any signposting to other agencies?
Is there evidence of the reason for this? Was it appropriate?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Was support offered to the education provider? If appropriate
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is the voice of all family members evident throughout the assessment and recordings?
Evidence that these were sought and revisited throughout involvement?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Have the adopters been contacted to gain their feedback? AiM Adopters Questionnaire Form
If not, please give an explanation.
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Part 2 - Management Oversight
Is there evidence of Management decisions, challenge and oversight?
Is decision making SMART?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Is there evidence of regular supervision?
Is this in line with the supervision policy? Is it reflective and analytical supervision?
Does this practice
Meet Good
Does Not Yet Meet Good
Evidence: Please also comment here on quality of practice.
Highlight good practice or areas for development (for each section). Ensure your evidence supports your score of Meets Good or Does Not Yet Meet Good.
Please complete an audit action plan for any tasks that you feel need to be undertaken following the completion of the audit:
An action plan should be completed for all cases where any actions are required.
Please notify relevant worker/s, Team Manager/s and Senior Social Worker and follow up to ensure that they clear about what needs to be done.
The relevant Team Manager/Senior Social Worker Manager is responsible for ensuring any actions are completed within agreed timescales.
The Quality Assurance Leads will monitor the completion of action plans.
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Who is responsible?
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Date for completion?
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Manager has verified actions completed. Sign off date:
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